Limanowa HS47 Ranked hill

by marcinos2079


A small ski jumping hill in the town of Limanowa (nearly 15,000 inhabitants) in southern Poland. Its wooden inrun tower is inspired by a historical "Siwy Brzeg" K-30 hill that was located 400 meters west of the town's market square, built in 1941 and pulled down in the 70s. This, with addition of a wooden coaches tower, custom bands made of metal and an upgraded judge tower, creates a great mix of history and modernity. The hill allows you to jump over 48.5 meters with strong front wind. The current hill record in DSJ4 is 49.21 meters by Mariusz Paweł (8 May 2021).

In the DSJ4 1.10 version of this hill, new custom lines at summer and winter will be added.


Type: Fictional Small
K-point: 43
Hill size: 47
Country: pl Poland
Last update date: 18.01.2022, 21:54
Current version: 9
Downloads: 9026


Hill was upgraded in game by Areen over 2 years ago
Version #9 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #8 was uploaded by marcinos2079 COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

fixed snow flickering at the outrun when snowiness is set to low values

Hill was upgraded in game by ms over 2 years ago
Version #7 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #6 was uploaded by marcinos2079 COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

changed flag aspect ratio from 1.5 to 1.6

Version #5 was uploaded by marcinos2079 COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

added custom lines

Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #4 was uploaded by marcinos2079 RANKED uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • added distance markers
  • changed z-bias of custom bands to avoid flickering
  • fixed small railing flickers on the coach tower
Hill was rejected by Mensix over 3 years ago
Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #3 was uploaded by marcinos2079 uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • changed color of inrun (some elements are now darker) and start gate (it's now made of wood instead of metal)
  • fixed flickering of inrun railings (at the lower part of inrun and near the stairs)
  • increased width of stairs and height of railings at the lower part of inrun
  • little changes in the shape of judge tower
  • made lights brighter
  • changed placement of trees and houses
  • other minor visual changes
Version #2 was uploaded by marcinos2079 uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

profile changes: increased outrun length and r2 curve radius, slightly decreased height of hill changed colours/textures of some elements terrain changed to adjust it better to inrun tower stairs other minor visual changes

Version #1 was uploaded by marcinos2079 uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

Initial upload