Vinicunca HS430 Ranked hill

by Hubex



Prepare to concur the gaze of the almighty merciless Sun God. It is said you should leave your prayers before taking a flight. Or He might haunt you at night and burn your soul........ Beware and never look at the back of him from far away (F8) or even worse things could happen to you and everybody you know........"

This fictonal hill is based on the rainbow hills in Peru (Vinicunca). Prepare for one hell of a ride on this XXXL flying hill with a HS of 430m. Fly the distances worthy of the Sun God! The Sun God demands flights over 470m! For longest flights set the wind to 1.9m/s 180* in training

More early access hills in the public DSJ discord as seen here:


Type: Fictional Flying
K-point: 400
Hill size: 430
Country: pe Peru
Last update date: 19.05.2024, 09:35
Current version: 10
Downloads: 20481


Hill was upgraded in game by Areen 2 months ago
Version #10 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded 2 months ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #9 was uploaded by Hubex COMPATIBLE uploaded 2 months ago | Download
  • updated the WR Board with the new record
Hill was upgraded in game by Areen almost 2 years ago
Version #8 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #7 was uploaded by Hubex COMPATIBLE uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • fixed Logo
Version #6 was uploaded by Hubex COMPATIBLE uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download

Update by Xinitiao

  • added costum lines
  • fixed benches in the house
  • terrain colour changed to match the real life location (look it up, seriously, it´s gorgeous)
  • added WR board, with current WR and Name
Hill was approved by wojtekschiller3 over 3 years ago
Version #5 was uploaded by Hubex RANKED uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • inside door flickering fixed
  • golden windflags
Hill was rejected by wojtekschiller3 over 3 years ago
Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #4 was uploaded by Hubex uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • lights ajusted
Version #3 was uploaded by Hubex uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • new terrain colour
  • new plastic colour
  • lower windflags
  • flickerings fixed
Version #2 was uploaded by Hubex uploaded over 3 years ago | Download
  • Changed to the new version, uploaded an old one :D
Version #1 was uploaded by Hubex uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

Initial upload