Hinterzarten HS108 Ranked hill

by Patryk Szajer


Hinterzarten is hill located in Germany. It's most known for hostin Summer Grand Prix. Summer Grand Prix events have a long lasting tradition at Hinterzarten with the first summer competition dating back to 1982. Numerous world class jumpers already celebrated their victories on Rothaus-Schanze. In the long history of summer competitions nobody managed to claim more than two victories until 2011.


Type: Real Normal
K-point: 95
Hill size: 108
Country: de Germany
Last update date: 29.11.2021, 19:47
Current version: 10
Downloads: 12234


Hill was upgraded in game by ms over 2 years ago
Version #10 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #9 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download


Version #8 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

-Custom lines and new distance markers

Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #7 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer RANKED uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

-added distnace markers

Hill was rejected by Mensix over 3 years ago
Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #6 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

-max hour adjusted

Version #5 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

-Fixes and change in the color of the light

Version #4 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

-added underside of the inrun

Version #3 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

-minor visual changes

Version #2 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

Added dhill stairs

Version #1 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

Initial upload