Pyeongchang HS142 Ranked hill

by wojtekschiller3


Originally the facility situated on 700 meters was planned for the Olympic Winter Games in 2014, but then in July 2007 they were given to Sochi. In 2011, PyeongChang won the voting for hosting the Olympic Winter Gamers (in their third attempt), for 2018. In the same year (2011), the second COC weekend took place here and five years later the first FIS Cup for men. In February 2017, the test events for the Olympic Games 2018 were held.


Type: Real Large
K-point: 125
Hill size: 142
Country: kr South Korea
Last update date: 14.08.2022, 12:48
Current version: 9
Downloads: 12515


Hill was upgraded in game by wojtekschiller3 almost 2 years ago
Version #9 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #8 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 COMPATIBLE uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • small fixes
Version #7 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 COMPATIBLE uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • updated summer layout
Hill was upgraded in game by wojtekschiller3 over 2 years ago
Version #6 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #5 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download
  • fixed pillars
Hill was marked as ranked by ms over 2 years ago
Hill was approved by ms over 2 years ago
Hill was rejected by Areen over 2 years ago
Hill was approved by ms over 2 years ago
Version #4 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download
  • changed wind parameter again
  • changed default gate
Version #3 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded over 2 years ago | Download
  • changed wind parameter
Version #2 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded over 2 years ago | Download
  • updated authors
  • changed take-off bands
  • changed startgate
  • updated startgate numbers
Version #1 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Initial upload