Pleśna HS138 Ranked hill

by Suchinio


The ski jump is located on the Ciężkowicko-Rożnowskie foothills in a town near Tarnów. Collaboration with Kaliak.


Type: Fictional Large
K-point: 125
Hill size: 138
Country: pl Poland
Last update date: 31.01.2022, 21:57
Current version: 16
Downloads: 4181


Hill was upgraded in game by Areen over 2 years ago
Version #16 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #15 was uploaded by Suchinio COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Reduction of the number of wind flags.

Hill was marked as ranked by Areen over 2 years ago
Hill was approved by Areen over 2 years ago
Version #14 was uploaded by Suchinio RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

reducing the number of fans and trees.

Version #13 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

a few fixes.

Version #12 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Fixed small flickering under stairs.

Version #11 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Removal of the custom camera f5.

Version #10 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Adding more fans.

Version #9 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Better color of grass.

Version #8 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Grass color change.

Version #7 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

twigs repair.

Version #6 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

a few fixes.

Version #5 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Change the position of the camera f5 and f8.

Version #4 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Reducing the number of wind flags.

Version #3 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Remove stair flickering and add gates numbers.

Version #2 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

A few fixes.

Version #1 was uploaded by Suchinio uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Initial upload