Mürren K60

by Palma


POL: Mürren - Aegertenschanze to skocznia położona w Szwajcarii, ma ona K60. Do budowy 40-metrowego obiektu należało oczyścić teren, wyprofilować teren i zbudować z wielkich głazów próg skoczni. Później obiekt powiększono do rozmiaru K60. Rozbieg i zeskok są teraz całkowicie zarośnięte - skocznia prawdopodobnie nie była używana od 40 lat lub dłużej.

ENG: Mürren - Aegertenschanze is a hill located in Switzerland, it has a K60. For the construction of the 40-meter facility, the area had to be cleared, the area shaped and the take-off point built from large boulders. Later, the facility was enlarged to the size of K60. The inrun and landing hill are now completely overgrown - the hill has probably not been used for 40 years or more.


Type: Retro Medium
K-point: 60
Country: ch Switzerland
Last update date: 02.02.2022, 17:57
Current version: 2
Downloads: 634


Version #2 was uploaded by Palma uploaded about 3 years ago | Download

Added markers

Version #1 was uploaded by Palma uploaded about 3 years ago | Download

Initial upload