Oslo HS106 Ranked hill

by kasztan11


The first hill at Midtstuen was constructed in 1927, 500 meters from Holmenkollen. In 1955 it was enlarged to a normal hill size. In 1982, the World Championships were held at Midtstubakken. In 1987 World Cup was held there during artificial lighting. Midtstubakken was closed after last competition in 1992. Current shape of the hill was constructed in 2009 for the 2011 World Championships. Thomas Morgenstern and the Austria team became the world champions. The hill record holder is Gregor Schlierenzauer with 110.5 m long jump.


Type: Real Normal
K-point: 95
Hill size: 106
Country: no Norway
Last update date: 01.10.2022, 10:54
Current version: 5
Downloads: 6284


Hill was upgraded in game by wojtekschiller3 almost 2 years ago
Version #5 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #4 was uploaded by kasztan11 COMPATIBLE uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • changed inrun texture
  • minor fixes
Hill was marked as ranked by Areen almost 2 years ago
Hill was approved by wojtekschiller3 almost 2 years ago
Version #3 was uploaded by kasztan11 RANKED uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • changed audience count
Version #2 was uploaded by kasztan11 uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download
  • changed startgate width
  • minor changes on dhill stairs
Version #1 was uploaded by kasztan11 uploaded almost 2 years ago | Download

Initial upload