Jena K120 Ranked hill

by BLusiak


Jena turned out to be a very popular venue in the World Cup calendar, but as the V-style was invented, the old K111 hill design was made obsolete and the decision has been made to renew it. Due to the popularity of the competitions, Jena made a succesful bid for the organization of the 1993 Nordic World Ski Championships. As there was a need for a normal hill a K90 hill was built in place of the old k86 hill, which consumed most of the funds assigned for the hill complex, so the K111 hill had to be modernized into a K120 hill at a relatively low cost. The reprofiled large hill turned out to be a big hit both for fans and for the jumpers, as the profile allowed for very long flights. After the 1993 NWSC, World Cup competitions were held on this hill yearly from 1994 to 2007. The 2007 WC competitions were the most epic ones, as the jury allowed flights near 150 meters. Unfortunately then FIS decided that this was too dangerous, and so the hill had to be modernized again.


Type: Fictional Large
K-point: 120
Country: de Germany
Last update date: 17.12.2022, 14:12
Current version: 4
Downloads: 2772


Hill was marked as ranked by wojtekschiller3 almost 2 years ago
Hill was approved by Areen about 2 years ago
Version #4 was uploaded by BLusiak RANKED uploaded about 2 years ago | Download
  • change custom markings (winter)
Version #3 was uploaded by BLusiak uploaded about 2 years ago | Download
  • fix inrun-extension
  • fix take-off extension
Version #2 was uploaded by BLusiak uploaded about 2 years ago | Download
  • change inrun-extension
  • change take-off extension
  • change inrun-left/right-guard Credits: pangik04 and Barti ;)
Version #1 was uploaded by BLusiak uploaded about 2 years ago | Download

Initial upload