Jena K111 Ranked hill

by BLusiak


In the early 1980s the local Jena ski club wanted the most important ski jumping competitions to be held in Jena again due to the successes of the national hero Jens Weissflog. As the old K86 hill was in a very bad condition, the decision was made to abandon it and build a new large hill next to the old one. The new hill was a 90-meter hill, with a K-point at the 111th meter. The first World Cup competition was held on this hill in 1984 and were held yearly until 1991.


Type: Fictional Large
K-point: 111
Country: de Germany
Last update date: 09.12.2022, 19:20
Current version: 2
Downloads: 2188


Hill was marked as ranked by wojtekschiller3 about 2 years ago
Hill was approved by Areen about 2 years ago
Version #2 was uploaded by BLusiak RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download
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  • delete lights
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Version #1 was uploaded by BLusiak uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Initial upload