Zakopane HS105 Ranked hill

by Patryk Szajer


Freshly modernized K95 hill in Zakopane

Big thanks to Marcin Przybyła for making of the Judge Tower and both of the houses, with out his effort this hill would not have been finished.

Also big thanks to Mensix for making the dhill text


Type: Real Normal
K-point: 95
Hill size: 105
Country: pl Poland
Last update date: 21.01.2023, 19:52
Current version: 2
Downloads: 4306


Hill was marked as ranked by wojtekschiller3 over 1 year ago
Hill was approved by Mensix over 1 year ago
Version #2 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer RANKED uploaded over 1 year ago | Download

-Fixed Flickering

-New Dhill fance

Version #1 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded over 1 year ago | Download

Initial upload