Jena K90 Ranked hill

by BLusiak


When Jena made a succesful bid for the organization of the 1993 Nordic World Ski Championships, there arose a need for a normal hill to be constructed in Jena. The decision was made to build a K90 hill in place of the remnants of the old K86 hill. To preserve the memory of the old hill, the new K90 hill has been built with the exact same takeoff height as the K86. After the 1993 NWSC, the Continental Cup competitions were held on this hill yearly from 1994 to 2007. The K90 hill has also held the Women's Continental World Cup Competitions in 2005 and 2006. When the decision was made to modernize the K120 hill, the K90 hill was modernized along with it.


Type: Fictional Normal
K-point: 90
Country: de Germany
Last update date: 07.11.2023, 19:18
Current version: 2
Downloads: 1319


Hill was marked as ranked by Areen about 1 year ago
Hill was approved by wojtekschiller3 over 1 year ago
Version #2 was uploaded by BLusiak RANKED uploaded over 1 year ago | Download
  • few fixes (terrain, measurers etc.)
Version #1 was uploaded by BLusiak uploaded over 1 year ago | Download

Initial upload