Brattleboro HS98 Ranked hill

by wojtekschiller3


For the first time, the U.S. Ski Jumping Championships were held in Brattleboro in 1924. For the fifth U.S. Championships in 1951, a record 10,000 spectators came to the later-dedicated "Harris Hill" hill and marveled at the new hill record of 239 feet (72.8 m) by Art Tokle. Since the ski jump was not up to standards, "Harris Hill Ski Jump Inc." was founded in 2003, and in the following years US$300,000 was raised to modernize the K90 hill. From 2006 to 2008, a steel inrun tower was erected, the landing hill was widened and the outrun of the hill was modified.


Type: Real Normal
K-point: 88
Hill size: 98
Country: us United States
Last update date: 11.02.2024, 16:43
Current version: 5
Downloads: 1045


Hill was marked as ranked by Areen 5 months ago
Hill was approved by Areen 6 months ago
Version #5 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 RANKED uploaded 6 months ago | Download
  • platform set back 4 meters
Version #4 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 6 months ago | Download
  • added inrun platform for coaches
Hill was rejected by wojtekschiller3 6 months ago
Hill was approved by Areen 6 months ago
Version #3 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 6 months ago | Download
  • fixes
Version #2 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 6 months ago | Download
  • fixes
Version #1 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 6 months ago | Download

Initial upload