Wisła HS134 Ranked hill

by Patryk Szajer


Newly modernised Large hill in Wisła. The hill profile was flattened drastically lowering the flight path and allowing for mutch further and safer jumps even up to 145m. The inrun was also corrected with longer r1 and stepper take-off. The current record holder is Andreas Wellinger with distance of 144.5m achieved during the 2024 World Cup competition.

Big thanks to Grzegorz and Marcin Przybyła for help with some outrun elements, and big thanks to kasztan11 for allowing me to use some of his assets.


Type: Real Large
K-point: 120
Hill size: 134
Country: pl Poland
Last update date: 15.06.2024, 12:41
Current version: 7
Downloads: 2790


Hill was upgraded in game by Areen about 1 month ago
Version #7 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded about 1 month ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #6 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer COMPATIBLE uploaded about 1 month ago | Download

-Corrected summer layout

-Corrected the dhill construction below the take-off

Hill was marked as ranked by Areen 5 months ago
Hill was approved by Areen 6 months ago
Version #5 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer RANKED uploaded 6 months ago | Download

-Fixed Max Gates

Version #4 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

-Small Fix

Version #3 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

-Minor Fixes

Version #2 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

-Changed Position of the audiance to avoid cliping with the construction elements

-Fixed small flickers around the take off area

-Changed the font and scaling of the gate numbers

Version #1 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

Initial upload