Winterberg HS87 Ranked hill

by Patryk Szajer


Until 1999 this jumping hill had the K located at 64m the last record was set up at 74.5 m. After 1999 it was decided that the hill has to be modernized The new plastic covered K81 hill was completed in 2000 and for the inauguration the only summer COC competition was organized. Further­more German championships, summer competitions of Nordic Combined were also organized at St. Georg Schanze. Since early 2008 the HS 87 has a SKI-Line inrun trail made of stainless steel.

In co-operation with Grzegorz

You can find more night lighting options in the .xml file between lines 31-255.


Type: Real Normal
K-point: 81
Hill size: 87
Country: de Germany
Last update date: 15.02.2024, 16:50
Current version: 3
Downloads: 1406


Hill was marked as ranked by Areen 5 months ago
Hill was approved by wojtekschiller3 5 months ago
Version #3 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer RANKED uploaded 5 months ago | Download

-Gates moved up by 0.4m

Version #2 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

-Fixed Construction defects

-Slighly optimized lights

-Tree line has been moved back

-Other small fixes

Version #1 was uploaded by Patryk Szajer uploaded 6 months ago | Download

Initial upload