Ironwood K160 Approved hill

by wojtekschiller3


The first ideas to built the largest jump of the world had the members of Gogebic Range Ski Club already in 1935, but it took 35 years to realize their thoughts. The name Copper Peak comes from the copper mining which began in this area at about 1884, but also iron was dug out as the city Ironwood shows. From 1970 to 1994 ten ski flying competitions took place and the last hill record was set up by the two Austrians M. Wallner and W. Schuster with 158 m in 1994. Since 1994 Copper Peak, which is the only ski flying hill in the western hemisphere, hasn't been used, only in summer tourists come to visit the hill and in winter the nearby ski lift is used.


Type: Retro Large
K-point: 160
Country: us United States
Last update date: 10.03.2024, 21:58
Current version: 4
Downloads: 1279


Hill was approved by Areen 5 months ago
Version #4 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 5 months ago | Download

Visual update e.g. traffic lights

Hill was rejected by wojtekschiller3 5 months ago
Hill was approved by Areen 5 months ago
Version #3 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 5 months ago | Download
  • distance corrections
  • addition of several gates
  • extended leave area
  • changed windchart
Version #2 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 5 months ago | Download
  • changed flag
  • fixed inrun polynom
Version #1 was uploaded by wojtekschiller3 uploaded 5 months ago | Download

Initial upload