Vikhammer HS90

by Palma


EN: The history of jumping in Vikhammer dates back to the 1920s when jumps around 15 meters were performed there. However, a professional facility was only built in 1982 by the architect Tom Braathen, who was fascinated by jumping - 4 hills K15, K30, K45 and K75 were built. In 1995 the largest facility was converted to K85, HS90 and given the name Vikingbakken. It usually serves as a replacement for the nearby Granasen in Trondheim. Operated by the Vikhammer IL club

PL: Historia skoków w Vikhammer sięga lat 20 gdy oddawano tam skoki w okolicach 15 metrów. Jednakże profesjonalny obiekt powstał dopiero w 1982 roku przez zafascynowanego skokami architekta Toma Braathena - powstały 4 skocznie K15, K30, K45 i K75. W 1995 roku największy obiekt przebudowano go na K85, HS90 i nadano nazwę Vikingbakken. Zazwyczaj służy jako zastępstwo do znajdującej się niedaleko Granasen w Trondheim. Obsługiwana przez klub Vikhammer IL


Type: Fictional Normal
K-point: 85
Hill size: 90
Country: no Norway
Last update date: 21.08.2024, 20:45
Current version: 2
Downloads: 230


Version #2 was uploaded by Palma uploaded 7 months ago | Download

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Version #1 was uploaded by Palma uploaded 7 months ago | Download

Initial upload