Einsiedeln HS117 Ranked hill

by W. A.


Andreas Küttel-Schanze located in Swiss town Einsiedeln.

My 2nd real ski jumping hill!


Type: Real Large
K-point: 105
Hill size: 117
Country: ch Switzerland
Last update date: 05.04.2022, 09:32
Current version: 5
Downloads: 14745


Hill was upgraded in game by Areen over 2 years ago
Version #5 was uploaded automatically RANKED uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Hill signed by Mediamond

Version #4 was uploaded by W. A. COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

minor visual fixes

Version #3 was uploaded by W. A. COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

added author info

Version #2 was uploaded by W. A. COMPATIBLE uploaded over 2 years ago | Download

Custom lines, new barriers and stairs (thanks to Patryk Szajer!)

Hill was approved by Mensix over 3 years ago
Version #1 was uploaded by W. A. RANKED uploaded over 3 years ago | Download

Initial upload